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Mearns After-school Care Service (MACS) was established by its two founder directors in August 1995. 

The original project operated at Eastwood High School and offered 24 places after school for pupils attending Mearns Primary only.  Three directors now run the company centrally from its head office with each having had "hands-on" experience as Project Managers.


MACS is committed to quality and ensures staff receive regular training on all issues relating to their field of work. Our care inspectorate reports are always favourable and these are available for review in any of our projects. We welcome parents and children's comments to continue and develop our services.

Today, we have 14 projects; 12 projects in East Renfrewshire and 2 in Glasgow, offering over 1,000 places per day! Activities include Forest Kindergarten, arts and crafts, baking, sport, entertainment, outings during holidays, healthy snacks, and games.  


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