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do you have any complaints or suggestions?

If you have a complaint or suggestion, we welcome your comments.

At MACS we endeavour to ensure all our client's needs are met. We operate an open door policy as part of our quality management procedures.
If you wish to discuss any concerns or suggestions, we ask that you bring them in the first instance to the Project Management Team.
If you are still concerned and wish to make a formal complaint, or suggestion we would be grateful if you could complete the online form below:
Complaint and Suggestions Form
What will happen next?

Stage one:

In the first instance if you wish to discuss any concerns or suggestions, we will ask that you bring them to the attention of the project manager.  If a concern is raised the project manager will inform head office and complete a written record of the concern/complaint.  The project manager will take all concerns very seriously and investigate this further.  Once they have investigated, they will contact the parent/carer with their findings to update them on the next steps.   


Stage Two:

If you are still concerned and wish to make a formal complaint this would now be moved to stage two.  Stage two consists of concerns and complaints that have not been resolved at stage one or not appropriate for stage one.  If you believe your concern or complaint is at a stage two process, we would be grateful if you could contact Head Office by either:

Telephone on: 0141 887 0002




We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 workings days and you will be contacted by the head office investigating senior staff member to discuss this further.  Your complaint will be recorded and investigated fully.  Once the investigation has been completed, we will give you a full, written response to the complaint as soon as possible and within 20 working days. If our investigation takes longer than 20 working days, we will agree revised time limits with you and keep you updated on progress.


At any point if you wish to take your concerns further at any stage, we are regulated by the Care Inspectorate.  Care Inspectorate contact details are below:


Contact Centre: 0345 600 9527





4th Floor 

No 1 Smith hills Street



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